Building Solutions as a Co-Op Bootcamp 2017
The Building Solutions as a Co-Op Executive Boot Camp will focus on…
Brainstorming with CU*Answers data architects and credit union peers around the concepts that turn ideas into working technical solutions.
Work as a group to understand the creative and day-to-day work processes that yield solutions for our network.
Create a foundation for all CUs in the cuasterisk.com network to ensure a long future from the investments we make to get things done.
Why attend an Executive Study Boot Camp?
Check out the 2016 Solutions Boot Camp
Boot Camp Particulars
- 12 students to be selected from applicants
(6 new participants, and 6 Boot Camp 2016 graduates will be selected for year 2)
- 1 representative per CU
- Four 2-day sessions (8 days total)
- 1 session per quarter
- CU*Answers to pay overnight lodging and food
- Travel is at your expense
- Work-study program (there will be homework!)
- Must attend all 8 days to graduate
Scheduled Classes
- December 7-8, 2016
- March 8-9, 2017
- May 24-25, 2017
- August 23-24, 2017
Application Process
Application period opens September 19, 2016 and closes promptly on October 17, 2016. A select CU*Answers committee will review all applications and choose up to 12 students (6 new participants, and 6 Boot Camp 2016 graduates will be selected for year 2) for this Boot Camp. Students will be notified the week of October 24, 2016.
Students must attend all classroom sessions and complete all work in order to graduate.