Integrations API System Maintenance 6/19/2017

At 8:30PM EST 6/19/2017 we are updating the underlying communication process that is utilized for the loan and loan application submission endpoints on the Integrations API.

  • No API consumer changes are required for this update.
  • No service outages are expected due to this update.

Due to infrastructure changes required to facilitate this new process, the following services will be updated:

  • Loan Submission
  • Loan Application Submission
  • Membership Opening
  • Membership Applications
  • Automated Collateral Valuation

API Change Log: 6-22-2017

Available for Development: June 22, 2017

(CHANGE) Error Handling

We are removing the Technical Message in the Error Response. We find that the documentation is much better at describing what’s going on when an error occurs, and will cause less confusion on what should be displayed to a member.

Authentication API

We continue to expand what is available for the Authentication process. This time, we are giving you the ability to have the member recover their password, should they forget it.

Members APIs

A new endpoint is available in the Members API. This one gives you the ability to display the history of Password changes on the members account.

(NEW!) Accounts API

We have created a new group of APIs that are centered around the members accounts with a Credit Union. These new endpoints will provide you with the members account information such as balance of the account, when it was opened, and the transactions the account has in our system.

(NEW!) Rate Board API

A brand new API. These endpoints will get you various information of the products the Credit Union has available for members to open or purchase.