Submit Your Application for the 2019 Developer’s Help Desk Boot Camp!

Submissions for the Developer’s Help Desk Boot Camp are due Monday, December 17!
The Developer’s Help Desk Boot Camp is a hands-on Do It Yourself experience; a unique experiment in how solution designers and architects from credit unions can take advantage of the expertise of the designers, developers, testers, and documenters at the CUSO to produce a finished product. It’s an experiment in proving out the point of the DHD online store – can credit unions use DHD resources to help them build something new?
Nominate your project, including a plan for developing and launching your project. You’ll work alongside CU*Answers and team members to build it, but you are the general contractor and the visionary.
Click Here for More Information
A select CU*Answers committee will review all applications and choose up to 6 projects for this Boot Camp. Students will be notified by the end of December.