Don’t Forget: Submit Your Application for the 2019 Developer’s Help Desk Boot Camp!

The deadline for the Developer’s Help Desk Boot Camp is quickly approaching – make sure to submit your idea by Monday, December 17!

The Developer’s Help Desk Boot Camp is a hands-on Do It Yourself experience; a unique experiment in how solution designers and architects from credit unions can take advantage of the expertise of the designers, developers, testers, and documenters at the CUSO to produce a finished product. It’s an experiment in proving out the point of the DHD online store – can credit unions use DHD resources to help them build something new?

Nominate your project, including a plan for developing and launching your project. You’ll work alongside CU*Answers and team members to build it, but you are the general contractor and the visionary.

Click Here for More Information


A select CU*Answers committee will review all applications and choose up to 6 projects for this Boot Camp. Students will be notified by the end of December.