CU*Answers releases 2021 API catalog

CU*Answers recently published its 2021 Fall API catalog, which includes over two hundred new APIs recently moved into production. API development represents an important process to continually enhancing the CUSO’s capabilities to remain flexible for providing data in a streamlined, secure manner. This is not only for the tools they develop but provides a gateway to allow others to develop products that connect with and integrate into the CU*Answers product suite.

CU*Answers added that its development teams are fully engaged in developing dozens of planned APIs to continue to enhance overall API functionality and create exciting new retail opportunities for credit unions.

Scott Page, DHD Business Manager said, “the API Catalog lets users familiarize themselves with the APIs that are available through the DH. CU*Answers now features over six hundred free APIs for every client to consider as they are thinking of project development strategies. For any credit union looking to order an API Catalog, they may do so directly through our DHD Online Store.”

To learn more about the Developer’s Help Desk, visit them at their website.

CU*Answers develops new 3rd party vendor integrations

CU*Answers recently announced that its Developer’s Help Desk (DHD) had completed 174 custom projects during its third fiscal quarter of 2021. As usual, these included many 3rd party vendor integrations. Two of these vendor integrations included:

  • REPAY – an innovative, full-service payment technology and processing provider for credit unions. REPAY’s payment technology helps credit unions increase member satisfaction and enhance their experience by offering a variety of secure payment services, including making their loan payments from any outside FI utilizing any credit/ debit card. CU*Answers has developed a daily file upload process to REPAY, including various member loan information to facilitate CU*BASE clients being able to offer this solution. All payments are then received back via a file transmission as early as the next business day and post directly to the individual loan account, eliminating the need for a separate manual post process.
  • Devenir – a national leader for delivering investment solutions that power healthcare account offerings for a variety of industries, including credit unions and banks to deliver convenient, cost-effective HSA solutions. CU*Answers has developed an OTB solution with Devenir to receive a daily balance/ status file. Then, by utilizing the AFT feature in CU*BASE, members can “transfer” funds from their HSA account to their Devenir investment account. As funds are liquidated through Devenir, the money will be transferred back into the member’s HSA account.

Scott Page, DHD Business Manager, said the DHD team is constantly adding new third-party vendor integrations to its CU*BASE services suite. Clients may place orders for these integrations via the DHD Online Store, which features 300+ software products and services. The DHD is designed to provide a unique opportunity to clients and vendors when considering a new custom software strategy.

To learn more about the Developer’s Help Desk, visit them at their website.

CU*Answers develops new third party vendor integrations

CU*Answers recently announced that its Developer’s Help Desk (DHD) has completed nearly 100 custom projects during its first fiscal quarter of 2021. As usual, these included many 3rd party vendor integrations. Two of these vendor integrations included:

  • LoanPay Xpress (via Magic Wrighter) – provides borrowers with a quick and easy method for making their loan payments from any outside FI checking / savings account or credit/ debit card. CU*Answers has developed a daily file upload process to Magic Wrighter, including various member loan and credit card information to facilitate CU*BASE clients being able to offer this solution.
  • Visible Equity (an nCino Company) – Visible Equity provides a comprehensive, intuitive ALLL/ CECL software that allows a user to easily segment their portfolio, analyze individual loans for impairment and expected loss, run stress test scenarios and prepare comprehensive reports. CU*Answers has developed a monthly data upload process to Visible Equity that includes various member information to facilitate CU*BASE clients wishing to offer this solution.

Scott Page, DHD Business Manager, said the DHD team is constantly adding new third-party vendor integrations to its CU*BASE services suite. Clients may place orders for these integrations via the DHD Online Store, which features over 300 software products and services. To learn more about the Developer’s Help Desk, visit them at their website.

CU*Answers releases DHD 1st quarter project activity

CU*Answers announced its Developer’s Help Desk (DHD) volumes are expanding as the number of custom projects being completed and project requests submitted continues to grow.

During its first fiscal quarter of 2021, 64 custom projects were fully completed, which included nearly 3,900 programming hours. Additionally, 112 custom project requests were submitted, which resulted in 96 custom bids being provided to 66 clients utilizing its CU*BASE processing system. The project requests volume represented an increase of 23% from the previous period.

Scott Page, DHD business manager, said the DHD is inherently designed to provide a DIY opportunity for how clients coordinate software development projects with CU*Answers. Clients are encouraged to facilitate the process to design, build, and manage custom projects, and only contract with CU*Answers for professional project related services as desired.

To learn more about the Developer’s Help Desk, visit them at their website.

Developer’s Help Desk project volumes on the rise

CU*Answers announced that the volume of custom software project requests being submitted and developed by its Developer’s Help Desk (DHD) team is continuing to grow.

During the most recent 12-month period, 295 custom projects were completed, which represented 9,300 programming hours. Additionally, 518 custom project requests were submitted, which resulted in 460 custom bids being provided to clients utilizing the CUSO’s CU*BASE processing system. CU*Answers said the volume of incoming project requests had grown by 10% from the previous period.

Scott Page, Developer’s Help Desk business manager, said: “It’s exciting to see the level of growth of custom project requests being received, developed and moved into production. The DHD business model is designed to provide clients a unique partnership opportunity to design, build and manage custom software solutions on their terms.”

To learn more about the Developer’s Help Desk, visit them at their website.

CU*Answers announces DHD 4th quarter project volumes

CU*Answers announced its Developer’s Help Desk (DHD) volumes are growing as the number of custom projects being completed and project requests submitted continues to grow.

During the fourth fiscal quarter of 2020, 56 custom projects were fully completed, which included nearly 2,500 programming hours. Additionally, 91 custom project requests were submitted, which resulted in 75 custom bids being provided to 56 clients using the CUSO’s CU*BASE processing system. This represented an increase of 10% from the previous period.

Scott Page, DHD business manager, said the DHD is intended to provide an innovative strategy for how CU*Answers works with clients and vendors for developing new software initiatives. As part of this process, clients are encouraged to be the project manager and contract CU*Answers professional services only as desired within the overall project scope.

To learn more about the Developer’s Help Desk, visit them at their website.

Developer’s Help Desk hits three-year mark

CU*Answers announced that its Developer’s Help Desk celebrated its third anniversary since its formation in 2017. During its first three years, the DHD received 1,605 custom project requests, and completed 726 projects, which encompassed over 30,000 programming hours. The volume of custom software projects completed in year three as compared to year one increased by 42% and the number of applied programming hours increased by 70%.

Scott Page, Developer’s Help Desk Business Manager, said: “It’s exciting to see the continued growth in client and vendor custom software project requests, programming development and completed projects moved into production. Today, the DHD business brand is considerably more established, and the volume of custom project orders being placed through our DHD website and online store is steadily growing. Looking ahead, we believe the number of clients seeking to engage with the DHD team to help fulfill their vision to develop desired new software solutions will only continue to grow.”

To learn more about the Developer’s Help Desk, visit them at their website.

CU*Answers adds three new 3rd party integrations

CU*Answers recently announced that its Developer’s Help Desk (DHD) has completed 88 custom projects during its first fiscal quarter, including 3 new third-party vendor integrations. These vendor integrations included:

  • Sageworks (Abrigo) – CU*Answers has developed a daily data file extract to be delivered, which may include loan, collections and deposit data.
  • Suntell – CU*Answers has developed a daily data file extract to be delivered.
  • American National Insurance (ANICO) – CU*Answers has developed a daily data file extract to be delivered.

Scott Page, DHD business manager, said the DHD team is regularly adding new third-party vendor integrations to its online store of software products and services from which clients may easily place orders. The DHD is designed to provide a unique opportunity for clients and vendors to consider when exploring a new custom software opportunity, and vendor integrations are a direct result of client requests. To learn more about the Developer’s Help Desk, visit them at their website.

CU*Answers DHD client participation steadily growing

CU*Answers announced that the volume of custom programming projects submitted through its Developer’s Help Desk (DHD) is steadily increasing. For its recently completed 2019 fiscal year, the team announced that 272 custom programming projects were fully completed, which represented nearly 19,000 programming hours. The volume of custom project requests received also increased by over 15% as compared with the previous 12-month fiscal period.

Scott Page, Developer’s Help Desk business manager, said: “It’s very exciting to see the level of growth of custom programming project requests being received, developed and moved into production. The DHD business model is designed to provide clients a unique partnership opportunity to design, build and manage custom software solutions on their terms. Per these latest statistics, the volume of participating clients continues to escalate.”

To learn more about the Developer’s Help Desk, visit them at their website.

DHD custom projects volume growing

CU*Answers announced its Developer’s Help Desk (DHD) initiative is steadily growing as the volume of Design Studio (custom software) project requests being submitted continues to rise. During the fourth fiscal quarter of 2018, 53 Design Studio projects were fully completed, which represented over 1,100 programming hours. CU*Answers also said that for its recently completed 2018 fiscal year, it had completed 205 Design Studio projects representing over 6,500 programming hours. The volume of Design Studio project requests received increased by over 40% from the previous year.

Scott Page, business manager for the Developer’s Help Desk, said the DHD is designed to provide a new and exciting vision for how client software development projects are handled by CU*Answers. It’s uniquely targeted to facilitate clients who wish to design, build, and manage custom projects in a new, innovative way. For example, he described how clients are empowered to be the project architect, and CU*Answers professional services may be contracted only as desired in the overall project scope.

To learn more about the Developer’s Help Desk, visit them at their website.

CU*Answers DHD offers Design Studio video guide

CU*Answers announced its Developer’s Help Desk (DHD) has recently added its newest video guide to the DHD website for building custom software with CU*Answers.

Scott Page, business manager for the Developer’s Help Desk, said the DHD offers a creative new way for clients to design, build and manage custom development software solutions with CU*Answers. An important tool for helping introduce clients to the DHD initiative is a video series helping describe many of the unique services, techniques and strategies rolling out in 2018.

The newest video is targeted to clients looking to partner with the DHD for helping build a Design Studio project and provides a step-by-step guide to assist clients prior to proceeding. The video will help guide a client through the entire process – from conceiving and submitting an initial project idea, to developing a written specification regarding their project, submitting the proper project request/ authorization forms, and getting started.

From there, the video describes DHD processes upon a project request form being received, developing and returning a research and design bid, various timing and cost considerations and much more.

“One of the best features for clients working with the DHD throughout the process is that the client is in complete control of the initial project parameters and is able to partner with CU*Answers only for the level of services they may desire for completing their Design Studio project,” said Page. Any credit union wishing to learn more about the DHD or to review the DHD video library should visit the DHD at their website.

CU*Answers rings in the New Year with DHD

CU*Answers is offering its clients a new solution this year: the Developer’s Help Desk (DHD). This initiative comes in response to clients’ do-it-yourself mentality. Many CU*Answers clients have expressed a wish to play a bigger role in the development of new tools within CU*BASE®, the data processor’s core-processing software. DHD allows clients to do just that by giving them the opportunity to work directly with CU*Answers software developers to build custom software solutions.

“DHD is a great resource that allows credit unions to work on projects that meet their specific needs and that helps them better serve their ever-evolving membership,” said DHD Account Executive Kristian Daniel. By helping clients own the software solutions in which they invest, DHD is just another way that CU*Answers shows its commitment to the cooperative principles on which the CUSO was founded. “Whether it’s working with a new vendor or a process improvement, DHD is here to help clients reach their fullest potential,” Daniel added.