CU*Answers announces DHD 4th quarter project volumes

CU*Answers announced its Developer’s Help Desk (DHD) volumes are growing as the number of custom projects being completed and project requests submitted continues to escalate.

During the fourth fiscal quarter of 2019, 82 custom projects were fully completed, which represented nearly 3,000 programming hours. Additionally, 129 custom project requests were submitted, which represented an increase of 15% from the previous period.

Scott Page, DHD business manager, said the DHD is intended to provide an innovative strategy for how CU*Answers works with clients and vendors for developing new software initiatives. He described as part of this process, clients are encouraged to be the project designer, and contract for CU*Answers professional services only as desired within the overall project scope.

To learn more about the Developer’s Help Desk, visit them at their website.

Developer’s Help Desk marks two-year anniversary

CU*Answers announced that its Developer’s Help Desk has reached its two-year anniversary. In its first two years the DHD completed 378 (custom) Design Studio project requests, which encompassed 16,000 programming hours. The volume of Design Studio projects completed in year one increased by 30% and the number of applied programming hours increased by 40%.

Scott Page, Developer’s Help Desk business manager, said: “It’s exciting to see the growth in client Design Studio project requests, programming development and completed projects moved into production. The DHD brand is considerably more established, and the volume of custom project orders being placed through our DHD website and online store is steadily growing. As mentioned, this is reflected in activities performed during year two as compared to our first year. Looking ahead, we believe the number of clients seeking to engage with the DHD team for helping fulfill their vision to develop desired new software tools will only continue to escalate.”

To learn more about the Developer’s Help Desk, visit them at their website.

CU*Answers DHD project requests growing

CU*Answers announced that the volume of Design Studio (custom software) projects submitted through its Developer’s Help Desk (DHD) is steadily increasing.

During the most recent 12-month period, 224 Design Studio projects were fully completed, which represented over 7,600 programming hours. The volume of Design Studio project requests received also increased by over 20% compared with the previous 12-month period.

Scott Page, Developer’s Help Desk business manager, said: “It’s exciting to see the level of growth of Design Studio project requests being received, developed and moved into production. The DHD business model is designed to provide clients a unique partnership opportunity to design, build and manage custom software solutions on their terms.”

To learn more about the Developer’s Help Desk, visit them at their website.

DHD Online Store continues to expand

CU*Answers announced that its Developer’s Help Desk (DHD) online store continues to expand and is seeing steady growth in client orders received. The DHD store now features over 175 products and services, and is located within the CU*Answers Online Store. A new section featuring recently completed DHD project development successes has been added for clients to quickly scan for potential tools peers have successfully implemented at their credit unions.

Scott Page, business development manager, said: “The online store continues to evolve, and provides a unique opportunity for better serving our clients. It offers an online retail shopping experience for ordering a variety of off-the shelf tools CU*Answers has previously developed or getting started with a Design Studio (custom) project request. By grouping these project types into various categories, we can offer an even simpler, more streamlined approach for clients to be able to quickly review and determine a potential solution. For many clients, the online store has become a first research point for helping determine a possible business strategy.”

Integrations System Maintenance 1/23/2019

On Wednesday January 23rd, 2019 starting at 10:00PM EST through approximately 1:00 AM EST January 24th 2019, we will be performing updates on database systems that host the following services:

  • All Indirect Lending Integrations
  • Ready-to-Book and Ready-to-Look Integrations
  • Autobooks API Integration
  • QualiFile
  • CBC Tri-merge Credit Reports
  • NADA Collateral Valuation
  • EFT Card Activity Push Notifications
  • Experian Direct Credit and Decision Model Services
  • MAP/MOP API Systems
  • Precise ID Verification (Utilized in MAP/MOP)

These services will be unavailable periodically throughout the maintenance window. As always, if you notice anything out of the ordinary please contact

CU*Answers releases new APIs for credit unions and vendors

The CU*Answers Developer’s Help Desk has announced the release of dozens of new APIs to provide new functionality for developers. Clients and third-party developers can shop the DHD’s online store to review additional information and place an online order.

Scott Page, DHD business manager said: “As APIs are developed, they may be used as a bridge by other third-party applications to access our CU*BASE® system, It’s Me 247 Online/Mobile Banking or anything to which CU*Answers allows data access. Our clients can leverage these APIs to create diverse new revenue streams and as a catalyst for do-it-yourself type projects.”

CU*Answers’ API development represents an important strategy to enhance its flexibility for providing additional data to the tools they develop, and as a secure gateway for others to develop products that seamlessly integrate to its comprehensive solutions suite. A major focus for 2019 and beyond is to continue to build its foundation of APIs, both within CU*Answers applications and in partnership with external vendor/partner applications.

To learn more about the Developer’s Help Desk, visit them at their website.

CU*Answers releases newest version of its API catalog

The Developer’s Help Desk (DHD) of CUSO CU*Answers recently announced the release of its Fall 2018 API catalog. API development represents an important process to continually enhancing CU*Answers’ capabilities to remain flexible for providing data in a streamlined, secure manner. This is not only for the tools they develop but provides a gateway to allow others to develop products that connect with and integrate into the CU*Answers product suite.

Scott Page, DHD Business Manager said: “The API catalog lets users familiarize themselves with the APIs that are available through the DHD, including both existing APIs and ones that will be released in the near future. For any credit union looking to order a free API catalog, they may do so directly through our online DHD store.”

Final Call: DHD Boot Camp Submissions are Due Today!

Submissions for the 2019 DHD Boot Camp are due by 11:00 AM ET today – get yours turned in ASAP!

The Developer’s Help Desk Boot Camp is a hands-on Do It Yourself experience; a unique experiment in how solution designers and architects from credit unions can take advantage of the expertise of the designers, developers, testers, and documenters at the CUSO to produce a finished product. It’s an experiment in proving out the point of the DHD online store – can credit unions use DHD resources to help them build something new?

Nominate your project, including a plan for developing and launching your project. You’ll work alongside CU*Answers and team members to build it, but you are the general contractor and the visionary.

Click Here for More Information


A select CU*Answers committee will review all applications and choose up to 6 projects for this Boot Camp. Students will be notified by the end of December.

Don’t Forget: Submit Your Application for the 2019 Developer’s Help Desk Boot Camp!

The deadline for the Developer’s Help Desk Boot Camp is quickly approaching – make sure to submit your idea by Monday, December 17!

The Developer’s Help Desk Boot Camp is a hands-on Do It Yourself experience; a unique experiment in how solution designers and architects from credit unions can take advantage of the expertise of the designers, developers, testers, and documenters at the CUSO to produce a finished product. It’s an experiment in proving out the point of the DHD online store – can credit unions use DHD resources to help them build something new?

Nominate your project, including a plan for developing and launching your project. You’ll work alongside CU*Answers and team members to build it, but you are the general contractor and the visionary.

Click Here for More Information


A select CU*Answers committee will review all applications and choose up to 6 projects for this Boot Camp. Students will be notified by the end of December.

CU*Answers opens Developer’s Help Desk Boot Camp registration

CU*Answers, the 100% credit union-owned data processing CUSO, is getting closer to the registration deadline for the 2019 Developer’s Help Desk Boot Camp. The Developer’s Help Desk Boot Camp is a hands-on, DIY experience; a unique experiment in how solution designers and architects from credit unions can take advantage of the expertise of the designers, developers, testers, and documenters at the CUSO to produce a finished product. It’s an experiment in proving out the point of the DHD online store – can credit unions use DHD resources to help them build something new?

Credit unions can nominate a project, including a plan for development and launch. Attendees will work alongside CU*Answers and team members to build it, while acting as the general contractor and the visionary. Visit the DHD website to learn more.

Submit Your Application for the 2019 Developer’s Help Desk Boot Camp!

Submissions for the Developer’s Help Desk Boot Camp are due Monday, December 17!

The Developer’s Help Desk Boot Camp is a hands-on Do It Yourself experience; a unique experiment in how solution designers and architects from credit unions can take advantage of the expertise of the designers, developers, testers, and documenters at the CUSO to produce a finished product. It’s an experiment in proving out the point of the DHD online store – can credit unions use DHD resources to help them build something new?

Nominate your project, including a plan for developing and launching your project. You’ll work alongside CU*Answers and team members to build it, but you are the general contractor and the visionary.

Click Here for More Information


A select CU*Answers committee will review all applications and choose up to 6 projects for this Boot Camp. Students will be notified by the end of December.

DHD custom projects volume growing

CU*Answers announced its Developer’s Help Desk (DHD) initiative is steadily growing as the volume of Design Studio (custom software) project requests being submitted continues to rise. During the fourth fiscal quarter of 2018, 53 Design Studio projects were fully completed, which represented over 1,100 programming hours. CU*Answers also said that for its recently completed 2018 fiscal year, it had completed 205 Design Studio projects representing over 6,500 programming hours. The volume of Design Studio project requests received increased by over 40% from the previous year.

Scott Page, business manager for the Developer’s Help Desk, said the DHD is designed to provide a new and exciting vision for how client software development projects are handled by CU*Answers. It’s uniquely targeted to facilitate clients who wish to design, build, and manage custom projects in a new, innovative way. For example, he described how clients are empowered to be the project architect, and CU*Answers professional services may be contracted only as desired in the overall project scope.

To learn more about the Developer’s Help Desk, visit them at their website.