Authentication API: Next Step Codes

Next Step Codes

These codes tell the developer which form they should present to the member next in the Authentication process.
It can get detailed, so look below and make sure you have the correct forms for the responses you receive.
Please note, that there is no Login Step for Credentials. That is the first
call you should make for Authentication, in which you will receive your Next Step. Without Credentials, you
will not receive any tokens to be used in the remaining Authentication API calls.

Code Description
ANCQ Answer your Security Question. If you receive this step, that means that all other steps are already
complete for the member and will not be required.
PSWD Change or add a password.
SECQ Must create Security Questions for this account. If this step comes up, the SECA step below will
never be returned and will be skipped.
SECA Must create/update Security Answers to the Security Questions. The main difference between this step
and SECQ is that the member should already have Security Quetsions selected by the time they
get this far.This step will generally come up when a member fails to answer their questions correctly
three times in a row. In doing so, their answers will be wiped out.
EULA The member must accept the EULA for this account.
PIBP The member must accept the default PIB Profile
UNAM Must create a Username for this account
EMAL Must update/create an email address for this account
GOOD No further steps are required. The member is now fully authenticated. Session and User tokens are
now full tokens and will timeout in 15 minutes.