Member API: Demographics

This API will provide various information about the member, such as contact information, birthday, and when the account was open.

API Endpoint


HTTP Headers

Status Key Value
Required CU*Answers-AppKey GUID
Required Accept application/json
Required Content-Type application/json
Optional CU*Answers-CUID 3 digit Credit Union ID


  "MemberType": "string",
  "MemberNumber": 0,
  "Name": "string",
  "FirstName": "string",
  "MiddleInitial": "string",
  "LastName": "string",
  "Address1": "string",
  "Address2": "string",
  "City": "string",
  "State": "string",
  "Zip": "string",
  "BirthDate": "2017-02-23T19:02:04.508Z",
  "Gender": "string",
  "PhoneNumber": "string",
  "OpenDate": "2017-02-23T19:02:04.508Z",
  "DoingBusinessAsName": "string",
  "Email": "string",
  "InvalidEmailAddress": true
Parameter Type Description
MemberType string This is the type of membership they have at the Credit Union. MO is considered an Organizational type account, and MI is an Individual account.
MemberNumber integer The account number of the member. This number is no longer than 9 digets long.
Name string The full concatinated name of the member. First Name + Middle Initial + Last Name
FirstName string The first name of the member.
MiddleInitial string The middle initial of the members name.
LastName string The last name of the member.
Address1 string The first line of the members address on file.
Address2 string The second line of the members address on file.
City string The city of the members address on file.
State string The state of the members address on file.
Zip string The zip code of the members address on file.
BirthDate date/time The birthday of the member.
Gender string The gender of the member.
PhoneNumber string The phone number on file for the member.
OpenDate date/time The date in which this members account was opened.
Email string The email address the member has on file.
InvalidEmailAddress bool If the members email address on file is flagged as true, you should provide them a method of updating it via the Update Email API

Response Error

Check the error table below for information on the error codes that could be returned

  "ErrorCode": "string",
  "DisplayMessage": "string",
  "TechnicalMessage": "string",
  "Timestamp": "datetime""

Parameter Type Description
ErrorCode string The ErrorCode is a custom code we use to identify specific areas where something might have not worked right. Write it down and contact us if you continue to have issues.
DisplayMessage string This is generally something you can show to members when an error shows up. Though we encourage you to create your own message table based on the ErrorCode field above. We use these display messages for Online Banking, so you might see something tailored to a different application.
TechnicalMessage string This is a more detailed, developer-type message that migth help you in determining more of what’s going on. This should never be displayed to the member.
Timestamp datetime The date and time of the error. This is useful information to provide CU*Answers, should you need to contact us.

Error Codes

Code HTTP Code Description
OT12345764 500 Invalid characters were found within the challenge question. [ , ^, ]
SC12345915 500 Invalid challenge question length. Minimum of 3 characters.
NO12345749 500 Challenge question has an inappropriate word within the text.
SC12345913 500 Invalid security answers. Answers must be at least 3 characters.
NA12345747 500 Challenge questions must all be different.
NO12345749 500 Challenge answer has an inappropriate word within the text.
OT12345765 500 Invalid characters were found within the challenge answers. [ , ^, ]
ST12345702 500 Credit union not available during stand-in processing for end of day.
PC12345705 500 Member not authorized to access account based on PIB profile access times.
NF12345748 500 Missing Vendor login script. Contact CU*Answers.
NF12345734 500 Invalid Credit Union Id.
NF12345704 500 Application keys not found. Contact CU*Answers.
NA12345746 500 Online banking is not active for this Credit Union.
9999999999 500 Requested data not found.
8888888888 403 Requested data not found.
API2000 403 Forbidden: You are not authorized to use this resource.
API2010 403 Forbidden: You are not authorized to use this resource.
API2011 403 Forbidden: You are not authorized to use this resource. Whitelist Issue.
API2012 403 Forbidden: You are not authorized to use this resource.
API2013 403 Forbidden: You are not authorized to use the Accounts API.
API2014 403 Forbidden: You are not authorized to use the Members API.
API2015 403 Forbidden: You are not authorized to use the CreditUnions API.
API2016 403 Forbidden: You are not authorized to use the Transfers API.
API4000 403 Forbidden: You are not authorized to use this resource.
HTTP404 404 The location requested could not be found.
HTTP415 400 The media type requested is not supported. Please use application/json.
OB110 400 The AppKey is missing.
OB111 400 The session token is missing.
OB112 400 The user token is missing.
OB113 403 The id is missing.
OB201 403 The AppKey provided could not be verified.
OB202 403 The AppKey provided could not be verified against the credit union id.
OB203 403 Mismatch between AppKey and credit union id.
OB204 400 Credit union id could not be found. Please validate HttpHeader parameters are valid.
OB310 403 Data received is incomplete. Please validate the data being sent in and try again.
OB500 503 Online access is currently disabled, please try again later or contact the Credit Union for assistance.
OB503 500 [This message changes based on CU Configuration for maintenance]
OB510 500 Data could not be retrieved for this request, please try again or contact the Credit Union for assistance.
OB511 500 Data could not be retrieved for this request, please try again.
NO12345690 500 There was a problem processing your request. Please try again or contact CU*Answers.
NF12345703 500 There was a problem processing your request. Please try again or contact CU*Answers.
NO12345678 500 There was a problem processing your request. Please try again or contact CU*Answers.
NO12345732 500 There was a problem processing your request. Please try again or contact CU*Answers.
NO12345679 500 There was a problem processing your request. Please try again or contact CU*Answers.
NF12345727 500 There was a problem processing your request. Please try again or contact CU*Answers.
NO12345699 500 There was a problem processing your request. Please try again or contact CU*Answers.
NO12345708 500 There was a problem processing your request. Please try again or contact CU*Answers.
NO12345707 500 There was a problem processing your request. Please try again or contact CU*Answers.
NO12345725 500 There was a problem processing your request. Please try again or contact CU*Answers.
NO12345726 500 There was a problem processing your request. Please try again or contact CU*Answers.
BT12345681 500 There was a problem processing your request. Please try again or contact CU*Answers.
BT12345682 500 There was a problem processing your request. Please try again or contact CU*Answers.
SC12345684 500 There was a problem processing your request. Please try again or contact CU*Answers.
SC12345683 500 There was a problem processing your request. Please try again or contact CU*Answers.
SC12345692 500 There was a problem processing your request. Please try again or contact CU*Answers.
SC12345693 500 There was a problem processing your request. Please try again or contact CU*Answers.
SC12345698 500 There was a problem processing your request. Please try again or contact CU*Answers.
SC12345735 500 There was a problem processing your request. Please try again or contact CU*Answers.
NF12345703 500 There was a problem processing your request. Please try again or contact CU*Answers.